What practically no-one knows though is that I had the delightful and enlightening experience of coming face to face with the future, or should I perhaps state more correctly, a rather futuristic Close Encounter of the Third Kind on water!
It all began rather harmlessly…
A long and tiring 600+km journey down and the physical work involved coupled with my no longer being a spring-chicken called for “time to take a break” as son-dear calls it, and so it was decided for me that we would all go to the Flisvos Marina in Faliro. I posted on my fb wall some pics of the marina, and more accurately of what “pleasure boats” lay moored there, but withheld on purpose what I would call my most impressive experience of that afternoon. An encounter that was worthy of a blog post…!
I like to believe that I am an environmentally conscious person, by far not perfect, but most definitely striving to do my best, being aware of the precarious state our Blue Planet Earth finds itself in. We’re all guilty, some more guilty than others, for the current state of affairs here. I also firmly believe that we all have a collective duty to change things; we don’t own our planet, irrespective of the pieces of paper that may confirm us as being the owner of a plot of land or real estate. In my book I’d say that we should rather be called “care-takers” and as such carry the heavy burden of looking after what is a precious environment that should enable man to live a life in health and relative happiness for all future generations. I’m deeply saddened by the fact that man appears to be doing his utmost to destroy the very environment he needs to survive…
And so it was with sheer delight and most certainly with a high dose of wonder, that I found myself being rather puzzled when we came across a vessel which I had never even heard of, let alone seen. A vessel that somehow would fit better in a sci-fi setting than being tied up in a marina, right before my eyes.
The SolarWave…
Berthed alongside the quay of the marina, she lay in the shimmering waters of the harbour, and my first impression was something akin “Huh? That’s a weird boat,”(Heike, forgive me for calling her a “boat”… I realise she deserves much better!) “let’s take a closer look.”

I count myself fortunate to have been able to see the first fully Green Catamaran with my own eyes and bump into Heike and have a little chat with her. I take my hat off to her and Michael for setting all the wheels in motion to make their dream come true. They both deserve my full respect. And perhaps, who knows, we might see each other again aboard their dream vessel one day and join them on an excursion into our beautiful Greek waters…
Needless to say that meeting and talking to Heike, and seeing their SolarWave made my day!
Hope you enjoyed all that... I certainly did!
As always,
with sunny smiles,
Emm :))