I've just come across some quite disturbing information regarding fluoride in water.
You may or may not know that in many parts of the world fluoride is added to the public water system in a bid to counteract dental decay; at least that's what we are being told. Public fluoridation of water became popular in the mid 1940s as a result of research that had shown there was less tooth decay in the population that lived in areas where drinking water had a certain amount of fluoride in it. From then on there was an ever-growing trend to fluoridate publicly supplied water and by the early 90s more than 60% of the US population with access to public water systems received the so-called optimum doses of fluoride in their water.
Over the years rumours about possible side effects and in fact real health related dangers reared their heads in the media, but our governments kept reassuring us that all was well and we should not worry. Now then, I'm not one for setting off a bad case of scaremongering, but I would just ask that those interested take the time to listen to the argumentation presented by Professor Paul Connett, under the rather disturbing title of Your Toxic Tap Water. It's a You Tube video clip lasting just under one hour... a MUST if you care about your family's health!
When we built our house I never believed that our tap water should be chlorinated in the first place, so we had special filters placed at source to purify our water; at the time I never gave fluoridation a thought... Unknowingly I may have done myself and my family a much bigger service than we could have imagined...
Fluoridation of public water is a dangerous undertaking, because there is no actual control of how much of the active substance is ingested by an individual. Just what constitutes dangerous levels? How much water can a person drink before seriously damaging their health? And what about children...? And also, what about fluoride in toothpaste? Just how safe is that...?

But don't forget one of the most important things in life:
Keep smiling ... !