The Olive Pickers
Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves
Having had a "complaint" from my better half, that I had better get on with my story before the next lot of olives is hanging in the trees awaiting the Pickers, I thought I'd entertain you with one of Cher's famous songs dating back to those days when my young world was still simple and innocent. At the time, I could never have dreamt that I would use her song (do I need permission...???) as the theme song to embellish the last chapter in my Olive Pickers saga. In those days, PCs, laptops and the globally connecting WWW were figments of our Sci-Fi imagination!
The story is coming along nicely, but whereas I thought it would be a few pages with a few pictures, this is rapidly growing into a small book. It was not my intention, honestly, but I'm so engrossed in the tale and am reliving the actual events while going through my notes that I feel there is something very authentic here which I can share with you, my audience, and this gives me great joy. I'm actually hard at work, trying to stick to some chronological order of all the events that surrounded this extraordinary adventure, before I dish it up to you all.
Perhaps, this might be a good place to share with you that my story has a sting in the tail....
No, no... I'm not saying another word. Until I get all the words down on paper, my lips are sealed!
And so this is why, in an attempt to placate you all, I invite you to listen to the amazing Cher..
Enjoy... and come back soon to read the closing chapter of my Olive Pickers story.
Smiles, Emm xx
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