This last weekend CNN ran a documentary as part of the CNN Freedom Project to end modern-day slavery which I watched together with my husband.
After watching - in disbelief and horror - Saturday's first part we both felt that even though the film director, Robert Bilheimer, deserves an accolade for all the work he had poured into the making of the documentary, the film should have been longer and should have exposed many more details of the practices that were undoubtedly discovered during the four years it took to put this work together. I decided to hold my tongue and not pass any comments until after watching the entire program. I wanted to watch both parts before commenting and anticipated the second part with a fair amount of dread and discomfort.
It was too late last night to post a comment, and I'm afraid also that my emotions immediately following the program were too raw and ran too deeply.
I'm not ashamed to admit that I sat there, silent tears running down my cheeks -silent screams painfully stabbing at my conscience- asking myself what I would do if I were the one to mete out justice. How can I begin to describe the intensity of the rage I felt towards the abductors, rapists, child abusers and traffickers... It really frightened me because it made me realize that I too might be able to do unspeakably bad things, at least in the eyes of the law, if not in the eyes of the Maker. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth... and even though deep down I don't believe in "two wrongs making one right", my heart screamed MURDER!!
I have long come to understand and realize that the word "justice" is but an aberration of moral rectitude - justice has pretty much nothing to do with "doing the right thing"... and seeing people who should be behind bars for life with keys thrown away FOREVER walk out after a few years while the victims are either dead or barely more than walking zombies just tears me apart. The law is an ASS, but no bigger ass than there where its DUTY should be to protect the CHILD at ALL COST! An abominal failure of global proportions...
I find it difficult to believe that these situations have existed for as long as man has roamed this planet only to be highlighted over the recent years, while we're only "tackling" the problem now... Were we asleep all that time - did our eyes really not see, our ears not hear and our mouths refuse to speak up for those who could not? I shudder at the thought that I have to include myself here - I'm as guilty as anyone else...and I am rather disturbed by the thought.
Whilst I applaud and admire the people who have committed themselves to help eradicate these horrific and despicable practices, I fear deep in my heart that they are fighting the Lernaean hydra: cut off one head and two new ones appear in its place. How many "Heraclesses" will we need to combat these unspeakable crimes? Is the power of evil so almighty that it is capable of simply taking over the life of decent, good folk in one big gulp?

I hope from the bottom of my heart that with this documentary Robert Bilheimer will have shaken so many of us into action that we can all together make a REAL difference to the lives of the countless young souls all over the world who will otherwise lose their innocence, be tortured and abused, and ultimately lose their life at the hands of people whom they should have been able to trust with that same life...
My post may seem long ~ rest assured that it doesn't even begin to touch upon what is moving inside me... I lack both the words and the mental strength to adequately express the feelings and turmoil I feel...
I can but rely on my personal beliefs and convictions that things will only change by setting an example and taking action ourself~ so, I shall keep smiling at the beautiful things in life and do all in my power within my own little world to change things for the better...
Do you have the heart to join me and all those who have set out on a road of uncertainty and sometimes even peril with genuine determination to create a better world for our children, for within this dimension of our world as we know it lies what I call true EVIL, and evil should have no place here.
Emm x